You are here: Sales > Credit Notes > Crediting Kitted Items

crediting kitted items

The treatment of kitted items being credited depends on whether the credit note is based on a sales order or not.


Based on a Sales Order

1. Sales Order Entry
2. Click New > New Credit Note
3. Click Yes to “ Create a new credit note based on an existing invoice”
4. Select sales order and snapshot to be credited from the search windows
5. Only lines with deliveries are displayed for crediting
6. Make necessary changes and save the form

NOT Based on a Sales Order

1. Sales Order Entry
2. Click New > New Credit Note
3. Click No to “ Create a new credit note based on an existing invoice”
4. Select debtor from the search windows
5. Type in or select kit part number. Header, component and kit rounding lines as displayed (depending on user ribbon selections)

6. Make necessary changes and save the form

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